Serial Killers

JUST 323-Serial Killers-Fall 2020


All submissions must be through Canvas. No late papers will be accepted. Should there be a late paper, I will deduct one whole grade per day. But no late papers.


Your essay should be at least 5 pages. Nothing shorter is acceptable. You can, of course, write more. In your paper, you are to do two things:


First: Write a thorough review of the book, which means you have to tell the reader what the book is about and what the author is writing about. Do not write what the person Jeffrey Dahmer is about. Focus on the book.


Second: answer the question listed below. These are not separate parts. You need to integrate these two parts into one unified whole.


Please also consult the Writing Guidelines document. This will tell you how to structure your paper and what mistakes to avoid. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden. Consult the plagiarism document on Canvas. You will fail the entire course if I find an incidence of plagiarism on this paper.


Put your name, class, and if you have a title on a separate page.


Be sure your essay is specific, clearly written, and focused on answering the questions. Do not lose sight of your specific goal of a book review and answering the question.




Question: What motivated Dahmer to kill? When he was first arrested for indecent exposure, the judge said Dahmer would re-offend because he was biologically so inclined. Is this true? What other factors played a role? Discuss. Is the fact that he killed certain people and not others significant? Also, is it significant that his murders got more gruesome as they increased? Explain.