Setting Common Goals in the Workplace

Setting Common Goals in the Workplace

Research Paper Instructions
Your paper must be at least eight (8) full pages (excluding cover page, table of
contents, references page, appendices, etc.) but no longer than 10 full pages. All papers
must be double-spaced and typed in 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch
margins (on the top, bottom, and both sides), and no extra spaces between paragraphs. All
papers must also follow/utilize the APA format. Grammar and punctuation will count
toward your final paper grade so you are strongly encouraged to utilize The Writing Center.
Students will prepare a paper examining an issue related to a topic of leadership we
have covered in this course. The paper will include three components: (1) an extensive
review of the literature on public leadership related to the selected topic; (2) any “lessons
learned” that can be drawn from the relevant literature; and (3) a concluding section with
a discussion of future challenges related to the selected topic. This paper should be
written in your voice and focus on your academic perspective regarding the related
literature. In other words, analyze the literature and use it to convey your perspective on
the topic selected.
Copying and pasting (or paraphrasing) large parts of the relevant literature verbatim
does nothing to convey your original thoughts on the topic you have selected (and may
constitute plagiarism, resulting in a grade of zero, if done without the use of quotation
marks and/or attribution for each idea belonging to the author of the literature). When
incorporating an author’s ideas into your paper, be sure to cite every time you do so. Cite
correctly (APA format) and cite as often as necessary to give proper attribution while
keeping in mind that this research paper is intended to be original, and reflect your thoughts
on the topic selected and the available literature related to that topic. This assignment will
be checked using SafeAssign.
Students are required to use scholarly sources and peer-reviewed articles/journals
for this literature review. Your paper should cite and utilize at least five (5) scholarly
sources (though you are highly encouraged to use more). Please note that online news
articles, Wikipedia, etc. are not scholarly sources. If you need assistance with searching
for scholarly sources, please contact a  reference librarian.