Shadowing a Leader

Shadowing a Leader


Third notice and due date of the Shadowing a Leader. Please post your assignments for Instructional Grading.

Each student was responsible for developing a set of interviews or dialogue points to provide for the leader prior to their meetings. Each student should have set up a minimum of three meetings, one of which can be, with the leader’s permission, to observe or shadow the leader at work.

The analysis should include the leaders:

• Leadership philosophy

• Vision and goals for the organization

• Conflict management techniques and suggestions

• Methods for establishing and building trust

• Methods for empowering others.

The results of this field research assignment will be shared in two ways:

1) A written report in APA style in the assignment thread.

2) A presentation as a PowerPoint submitted in a Discussion Thread for student view and for the purpose of receiving feedback from your peers.

First, there are two parts to this project. There is a written paper, and a PowerPoint. The written paper should be no less than 5 pages and should be written in APA format. The PowerPoint won’t have as much detail but does need to include everything from the paper.

Please be creative with your PowerPoint.

You should have already met with or are getting ready to meet with your leader. If your state is still under quarantine you will need to conduct the research via FaceTime, Conference, Zoom, or MS Teams.

Five of the questions you should have already established are.

1. What is their Leadership philosophy

2. What is their vision and goals for the organization/company?

4. How do they handle conflict or what are their conflict management techniques?

6. What methods do they use to establish and build trust?

7. How do you or what are your methods to empower others?

You will also need to identify 3-5 of your own well thought out interview questions. This is in addition to the five already identified above.

Most importantly, don’t forget the introduction and conclusion. Hint (Intro) Include some background information regarding the leader and company they work for and why you chose this leader. (Conclusion) What did you learn from this assignment?