Short Study Assignment

This workshop allows you to start a first draft of your study question and hypothesis and get feedback before the final draft is due in Module Five. Prompt: In your initial post, address the following:

· Study Question: Your study question should be based on the public health issue chosen in Module One (HPV of the throat) and identify (1) a population of interest and (2) the public health issue being studied. It should be phrased as a question and probe for further information on the subject. Ideally, it will ask an original question rather than one that has already been reviewed by the literature. Remember: Research builds on itself. It may be similar to something you have read, but it may not be the same.

 · Hypothesis: Your hypothesis should be a response to your study question; as such it should be phrased as a statement or a claim. It should include the following:

o The variables of interest

o Population

o The relationship between the variables

 o A logical connection to the study question

· The connection to the study question does not need to be explicitly stated but should be apparent

Your initial post should include just your study question and hypothesis. Your response posts should be substantial in content but need not be lengthy. Writing a few sentences is adequate. Cite any resources in APA style

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