Six tenants of Just War Theory

Your digital poster will answer the following questions through a “Just War” lens:


Was the United States JUSTIFIED in its decision to use atomic weapons during WWII? Put another way, did Japan’s actions during World War II constitute a supreme emergency triggering the need for an atomic response?


First, read and watch all the materials. Then, decide what your answer is to the question, based on the readings and video and any additional research you choose to conduct.


Next, imagine that you are in charge of a marketing campaign that seeks to convince the public of your position. Create a digital poster that advertises your position – stating what it is and explaining, through Just War theory, why it’s correct. 


Your poster must:

  1. State your position – Either the United States’ atomic response WAS justified because Japan’s actions DID constitute a Supreme Emergency OR the United States’ atomic response WAS NOT justified because Japan’s actions DID NOT constitute a Supreme Emergency – OK to put this in your own words!
  2. Illustrate and briefly explain, in your own way using your own words, the six (6) tenets of Just War Theory found in Chapter 8 of your textbook.
  3. Use the tenets to “make your case.” Include a connection between each tenet and what you learned about circumstances and events prior to the decision to use the atomic bomb.  You may use additional resources to support your position – cite your sources!
  4. Include your references (in MLA format, OK to be small at the bottom of the poster)