Social cognition

Topic: social cognition
Paper details:

For each of the Heuristics (availability, representativeness, and counterfactual thinking) that was discussed in Chapter 3 ( see attached scanned copy titled “social psychology chapter 3.pdf”) of the social psychology textbook ( sixth Canadian edition) by Elliot aronson, Timothy d Wilson, Beverly fehr and Robin m akert. Provide a personal example that illustrates how you have used the heuristic to make a decision or solve a problem. In which of these cases has it been helpful to rely on the heuristic? In which of these cases might you have been misled by relying on the heuristic? The assignment /essay should be 1 page minimum and 2 pages maximum.
‐ No formatting or referencing is required.
‐ Please pay attention to your grammar and spelling.
‐ For full marks to be attained, every aspect of the question must be addressed