Social Psychology

Social Psychology

Select an organization, school, or social policy as the target for this analysis. Brief (3-4 page)
case study that summarizes the overall structure or goals of the target, outlines relevant social
theories or principles that currently inform the target, and provides research-based
recommendations for how the target can better incorporate social psychology into its philosophy
or action.
You MUST select a real and active target, rather than a hypothetical one. For instance, you could
use something like “FAU’s Department of Student Activities and Involvement”.

**MUST use at least 2 peer-reviewed sources in your paper**. Should also provide an overview
of whatever theory or principle you’re using to inform your recommendations. You should treat
the paper as a brief or synopsis that would be read by administrators at the target and as though
you’ve been hired by this target to complete the case study.
Here’s an outline (and examples) you should use while preparing your presentation:
1. Introduction to target – e.g., Department of Student Activities and Involvement seeks to help
students adjust to college life by encouraging involvement in campus activities, etc.
2. Theories/principles that currently inform the target – The Department uses social media
outreach to encourage participation in campus events. (You may not be able to find a social
psychology theory that informs their practice. If not, say so!)
3- Recommendations/techniques (should be informed by peer-reviewed research) – The
Department should consider social identity theory and how it can be employed to increase
student involvement. See sources A and B for more on how this has been investigated in
research or implemented by similar organizations
4. Summary of potential limitations or qualifications to the recommendations – This would require
the university to invest substantial resources in developing a unified campus identity and they
may not see this as a worthy investment.