Social Psychology Movie Assignment

Please select a movie presently showing at theaters or through your cable server, which focuses on social interactions and concepts as shown in Chapter 13 of your text. Review the following questions before viewing the movie.
After you have viewed the movie, prepare a brief essay 1 and a half to 2 pages, typed, 1.5 spaced, 1” margins – to address the following
questions in paragraph format. Essays less than one and a half pages or longer than 2 pages may result in point deductions. NOTE: You should review the textbook chapter on Social Psychology before responding to the questions – it may even be helpful to have the book in front of you when viewing the movie. This assignment is worth 50 points. It is due uploaded into D2L by Midnight on Sunday, April 5.
1. Provide a brief description or synopsis of the movie. (2 or 3 sentences)
2. Which social psychology topics are illustrated in the film? Using your textbook for examples, list several topics you observe. Examples may include: self-esteem, self-presentation, attributions, attitude change, attraction, friendship, love, aggression, prosocial behavior, group behaviors, prejudice/discrimination/stereotypes, conformity, compliance, and/or obedience.
3. What would you describe as the “turning point” in the film from the standpoint of social psychology? This may include a major change in social relationships, a character who learns a valuable lesson about society or relationships, or an obvious incident involving one of the topics from the chapter.
4. What did you like and dislike most about this film? (1 or 2 sentences)