SPSS: Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) – Results

SPSS: Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) -Result

Basically, I’ve conducted a 2×3 (I think) factorial between groups MANCOVA to compare the effects of three different Social Networking Sites (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) as well as Gender (Male and Female) on subsequent Social comparison scores and Self-esteem scores.
Whilst, accounting for the time spent on the participant’s respective site and their age (covariates). Since these could effect the results.
I’d like you to interpret the data and figure out whether things are significant or not, such as the relationship between each of the three sites and corresponding social comparison and self-esteem scores for men and women or both together. Talk about covariates (Age of the participant and their time spent on their respective site) and if they would of had any impact on their social comparison and self-esteem scores, had we not made them covariates.
The higher the self-esteem score the higher their self-esteem (0-30). The higher the social comparison score the higher the person perceives themselves in comparison to others.
I will attach the SPSS results Output (the word document) but let me know if you would need the raw SPSS data for some reason. I tried to
attach it here but it said wrong file type, but I don’t think you should need it.
My hypotheses were:
1. Facebook users will have the lowest self-esteem scores than Instagram and Twitter users regardless of gender
2. There will be no significant difference between the SC and SE scores of men and women across all platforms
3. The more time spent on any given social networking sitethe lower the user self-esteem will be
If you have any questions feel free to message me