SPSS/Research Methods

Assessment 1

Assessment task: Quantitative research report: Investigating the effects of laughter on stress to help understand variations in stress levels based on individuals who have viewed humorous content versus individuals who have viewed neutral content, in addition to find any differences in male and female responses or if males/females respond differently to the material they have seen.

Weighting: 40%

Date/time/method of submission: Week 8 – Monday 6th November at 12pm via Turnitin

Word count or equivalent: 2000 words

Appendix A- Lab Report 1 Marking Sheet:


NOTE: Strong Emphasis is placed on the Methods & Results Sections

Word limit: 2000 (excluding tables and titles)

Abstract: (one single paragraph)

Introductory sentence

Methods sentence

Results sentence (no statistics, in words only)

Discussion sentence

Introduction: (800 words approx.)

Introduces topic/study in first paragraph

At least 3 research RELEVANT & ACADEMIC references included

Relevant study detail (i.e. brief  method & results for key references)

Properly cited in text and referenced

Clearly defined aims & hypotheses (do not state null hypotheses)


Design- study design stated, both IVs/Factors and DV, statistical test used

Participants- number, sex, mean ages, etc. in 1-2 sentences

Materials- Detail of experiment design & development of stimulus material

Questionnaire referenced and explained

Text refers to appendices where necessary

Gives internal reliability (α) of questionnaire

Procedure- Collection details and ethics (replicable?)


Section introduced in words (e.g. brief reminder of aims)

Descriptives in words & presented in appropriate table

Tables and graphs correctly labelled with full titles

Correctly interpreted effects with ‘F statements’ as per workshops

Two-way ANOVA conducted; both main effects & interaction presented.

Appropriate Graph(s) included

ANOVA table presented in appendices?

Significant effects fully explained (e.g. in terms of direction of findings)

Discussion (no numbers/statistics in discussion): (800 words approx.)

Correctly understood and explained the results (first paragraph)

Discusses findings in relation to studies in introduction (most of the discussion)

Limitations and strengths of the study

Areas/directions for future research

Conclusion (any implications?)

References correct using APA?

Appendices: Stimulus material; Questionnaire; SPSS ANOVA table