Strategic Planning Assignment with SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Strategic Planning Assignment with SWOT Analysis

Planning and setting goals are an important part of any company.  Having a clear mission and vision help to set those plans and goals. For this assignment you will develop a strategic plan for an (imaginary) home health agency.

(1). Write a brief description of your imaginary home health agency (i.e., geographic location, populations served, profit status, agency size, etc.) (2 points)

(2). Develop a strategic plan for your agency that includes the following elements: (15 points)

a. Mission and vision statement

b. Guiding Principles

c. Areas of focus

d. Core Values

e. Objectives

f. Measurements for success

(3). Include SWOT analysis that relates back to your strategic plan.(10 points)

(a). What are your short-term and long-term goals?

(b). Describe how marketing and personnel will help your agency carry out its strategic plan.

(c). Discuss how you will assess whether your agency’s strategic plan is meeting its goals.

(d). What are the yearly objectives for growth and success?

(4). Action: If you are a new administrator/manager of a home health agency, what would you change or address first if you feel the agency’s strategic plan is not meeting its objectives? (3 points)

Your strategic plan should be at least 750 words in length, including a SWOT analysis. Include references for your resources in a references section at the end of your document.

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SWOT Analysis