Stress. Pschology Paper. Depression. Learned. Helplessness. Anxiety. Anger. Addiction.

Pschology Paper. Depressio. Learned. Helplessness. Anxiety. Anger. Addiction. Stress Reserach – Pschology Paper

Tip: Check the boxes as you go to help make sure you followed all instructions.

General Instructions:

  • The essay is due by August 17th, 2019 at 11pm.
  • The essay must be in Word format Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced.
  • Your essay should be at least 8 pages long. The more pages you write, the more willing I’d be to give you extra credit.
  • Do not use a ton of figures to meet the 8-page requirement, or you will lose points.
    • Works cited page does NOT count towards the 8-page requirement.
  • Papers are to be written individually; i.e. you and another person writing on the same topic cannot turn in a group paper.
  • Plagiarism will result in a zero.
  • I will give 5-10 points extra credit to the best written paper for each topic. Don’t copy!


  • You must use at least 10 outside, educated sources in this paper.
    • These sources MUST be approved by me before you turn in your final draft, or you will lose points.
    • Any unapproved sources will not be counted towards your 10.
    • The best way to get these sources approved is to just email me a list of your sources, and then I can reply which (if any) sources need to be replaced.
  • On your works cited page at the end, number your sources.
  • You must cite sources for any outside information you use or any information that isn’t common knowledge.
    • Use in-text citations (author and source # in parentheses) for any outside information you use.

Example: According to the CDC, coronavirus causes many serious respiratory problems (CDC, 1).

Works Cited:

  1. 2020. Coronavirus Disease 2019 Symptoms and Testing. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web.


In your essay, discuss ALL of the following points/questions to get maximum points.

  • Do NOT just list answers to these points.
  • This paper is supposed to show how educated you are on the topic.
  • If your paper doesn’t have any flow, and if it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, you’re probably going to lose a lot of points.
  • What is stress? What is a stressor? What is a stress reaction?
  • Discuss in detail the appraisal theory of stress.
    • Discuss primary appraisal and secondary appraisal.
    • What are the 3 categories of response to primary appraisal?
  • Discuss in detail the 4 main categories of stressors.
  • Discuss how the autonomic nervous system and the reticular activating system play a role in responding to stress.
    • Does stress trigger our sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system?
  • What are the physiological effects of stress? Discuss this IN DETAIL.
    • Effects on the heart (mention heart rate, blood pressure, coronary artery disease)
    • Effects on respiration
    • Effects on our immune system (also, how is it related to inflammation?)
    • Discuss the endocrine response to stress in detail – definitely mention cortisol, glucagon, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.
    • Is diabetes related to stress?
    • Effects on the reproductive system (and is impotence related to stress? How?)
  • Discuss the “tend-and-befriend” response and how having a better support system can help respond better to stress.
  • General Adaptation Syndrome – what are the three distinct phases of stress? Discuss them
  • Define and discuss how each of the following are related to stress:
    • Depression
    • Learned Helplessness
    • Anxiety
    • Anger
    • Addiction
  • Stress Management (coping with stress)
    • Discuss how a lack of perceived control over things/situations is associated with higher stress (good to use research studies here)
    • Discuss coping mechanisms: social support and optimism
    • Discuss in detail at least 4 methods of how to cope/manage stress (e.g. exercise)


Your essay is not limited to these points, but you should discuss/explain ALL of them across a minimum of 8 pages to get maximum points.


If you would like to include more information related to stress you are more than welcome to!