Student Learning Outcomes – nursing questions

Please read the instructions listed below and complete a 2 page paper. Respond to questions 1-4 in essay format. Pay special attention the learning outcomes listed in question 2 and respond as if you are me, the student, explaining my day caring for a patient with C. Diff. Journal entries are to be up to 2 pages, typed in MS Word, double-spaced and 12-font size is required. The writing must be clear, descriptive and grammatically correct

1. Provide a short overview of your daily nursing responsibilities in delivering patient care according to the C. Diff scenario. Please click on the link attached to watch a short video in order to write the essay

2. Address your learning experiences utilizing the 4 Student Learning Outcomes Listed below

Learning outcomes:

o Explain how you can engage in patient CARE COORDINATION when caring for your patients with helping techniques that promoted therapeutic nurse-patient relationship and how your knowledge, critical thinking, skill performance, collaboration, caring, and professionalism ties in

o Explain how you can use research and translation to deliver compassionate, patient centered, evidence-based care that respects patient and family preferences and how and how your knowledge, critical thinking, skill performance, collaboration, caring, and professionalism ties in

o Explain How you used information management to integrate and apply nursing knowledge and skills that leads to improvements in patient outcomes and how your knowledge, critical thinking, skill performance, collaboration, caring, and professionalism ties in 

o Explain How you use advocacy and policy to uphold ethical standards, which include data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and clients’ right to privacy how your knowledge, critical thinking, skill performance, collaboration, caring, and professionalism ties in  

3. List at least 2-3 new knowledge/skills that you have learned and identify 1 that had the greatest impact on your nursing practice. 

4. Provide a summary of your progress in meeting all of the course objectives and list the objectives you still need to meet or need to continue to develop.

The link to the video is below. Please write the assignment as if you are a nurse.