Successful Internship Report


II. Your learning contract and how you have fulfilled your goals.

in this section and explain what your goals within the site are, how you are meeting them and what you are doing to meet them. (keep in mind, you must often be proactive and innovative in coming up with activities within your site).

III. Activities within the Site

This is a narrative of some of your experiences within the site. For example, you may want to describe observing a mediation, what was happening, what you learned, what steps you took to debrief, etc. You are not expected to recite everything you did in this section. Rather, it is a narrative rendition of one or more experiences/activities you believe are good examples of the work you were doing at the site. It is an opportunity for you to tell the story of your experiences, your thoughts, how you were impacted, etc.2.

IV. Connection between the Academic and Experiential learning

Here you will relate your experiences in the site to what you have been learning

academically in the programs. You may include theories/theorists; contrast your experiences to the issues raised in your text book, The Successful Internship by Sweitzer and King (2014), and other information and ideas covered in classes that you can relate to your site, etc. You may also distinguish and contrast what you found different in the site from what you learned or expected.

V. Conclusion

What is your final conclusion about what you are experiencing this semester, what time line you have for project completions, etc.