Suicide Assessment Paper (10-15 pages)

Suicide Assessment 


Answer the questions below and prepare a power point presentation. Students will electronically submit the power point presentation with the completed risk assessment tool, safety plan and a reference page that includes at least 5 different citations please include scholarly sources

  1. Define suicide risk assessment, discuss populations who would benefit from such risk assessments, and debate the pros/cons of its purpose in clinical practice.
  • answer the following:
    1. Describe the client and presenting issue(s)
    2. What are the client’s individual and contextual risk and protective factors related to suicide?
    3. Complete a suicide assessment (RRSR, CALM or CSSRS) with a plan for treatment
    4. Consider these questions: How would you assess this client; what information would you require to better evaluate suicidal state? 2. Do you have enough information to take action? 3. What action options would you consider taking given his suicidal ideation? Draft a safety plan appropriate to the level of risk you determined.
    5. Cite to support your analysis and positions.

CASE I: Your client is elderly, has recently lost his spouse, and sees no reason to go on living. During a visit to the client in his new assisted living facility, the client revealed to you that he has experienced tremendous grief following the loss of his wife and does not want to live. In your assessment of this client, you are concerned that he has the motivation to kill himself, has decided on the means with which to do so, and has no supports to constrain him from taking such action.