Team Case Study (Company Analysis)

l. Company background. Briefly outline the history and development of your chosen company
over time. What are the company’s mission, goals, and values? (2 pages;  10 marks)
 2. External analysis. Analyze the company’s industry environment using a Porter’s 5 forces
nhril analysis. In addition to factors in the industry environment, what ur” *up. factors in the
company’s macro-environment? Describe and discuss the opportunities and threats presented by
its industry and macro-environment. (2 pages; 10 marks)
3. Internal analysis. Describe and evaluate the specific value chain activities you think
contribute to the company’s competitiveness. Relatedly, what are the company’s major resources
and capabilities, and how do they contribute to its strategy? Overall, in doing an internal analysis
on the company, what are its strengths and weallnesses? (2 pages; l0 marks)
4. Business-level and corporate-level strategy. Would you describe the company’s strategy to be
differentiation or cost leadership? Please explain why. Differentiation, while increasing
value, tends to increase costs. Cost leadership, while reducing costs, tends to decrease value. In
other words, a particular activity oriented toward one type of business-level strategy often has
trade-offs. Discuss any trade-offs that may be generated from these activities. (2 pages; 10
5. Recommendations. If you were acting as a consultant advising the company’s top
management team, what would you propose in terms of business strategy? (2 pages; l0 marks).
. Please include an update of critical events since the case was written-emphasizing material
from 2015. Moreover, please provide recommendations. . In evaluating your recommendations, you will be evaluated on the practicality and logic of
your ideas, and potentially originality and brilliance. Please be sure to indicate the sources of
information (i.e., citation & references).