The Bill of Rights and Civil Liberties

Assignment: Lessons Learned Week 5: The Bill of Rights and Civil Liberties


1) Write a summary including two or three main strong points of learning for the week. The source(s) for your  points of learning could be in-class activities, discussions, course materials and readings, articles (assigned or not) related to this week’s topics, and materials/lessons from other classes you are taking that relate to this week’s topics.

You can also approach this assignment as a “Highs-Lows-Hopes” or “Petals –Thorns – Buds”: what were your high points, or points of clearest learning (petals)? What were the low points, or areas where you had trouble (thorns)? What were the points that inspired hope for additional learning, or served as jumping-off points for other ideas/connections (buds)?


2) Summarize your impressions/takeaways/questions from the discussion forums for Week 5, either the Icebreaker or the Participation assignment, or both.


3) Can you identify a time when one of your rights was restricted in a school you attended? Such as high school, or even college (it might have been speech, or some form of expression, or due process)? What was the justification – or what do you imagine it was – for that restriction? Do you agree? Why or why not? Connect your answer with what you’ve learned in the text this week in Chapter 10.


  1. You might also include observations (what worked, what didn’t, critiques, etc) about the course content, class organization, and instruction methods.

The summary should be at least 400 words total, and should be relevant and substantive.

Recommendations: write up your assignment in a document, save it in a folder on your computer or an external storage device, and then copy and paste it into the message field below. You can also include the file as an attachment if Canvas gives you trouble with copy and paste.