Theory of Change (Management)

Research and choose an international development project you find interesting. Using the
Development Impact and You outline from this week’s readings, create a Theory of Change for the
project you have presented, and answer the question, in what ways is the Theories of Change
approach a helpful tool for planning development programs?
Structure of the Paper (4-6 pages with at least 2-3 references in APA style), including the Theory of
Change diagram. Use the Development Impact and You template from the syllabus (including
assumptions) and not another format.

– Introduction
– Overview of the organization and project you chose
– Create and present a Theories of Change diagram for this project
– Present and assess the benefits and pitfalls with the Theories of Change approach
– Conclusion summarizing your key points
– References
******Please make sure to use these sources
Stein, D. and Valters, C. (July 2012). Understanding “Theory of Change” in international
development’, Justice and Security Research Programme. Retrieved from
Development Impact and You. (2011). I want to clarify my priorities by defining my goals and the
path to reach them: Theory of change. Retrieved from
+Acumen (July 2014). Lean for social change: Theory of change. Retrieved from