Thought Responces

Please respond to each prompt in at least 100 words. These are thought responses and will require no references, just your thoughts on the prompts.

Prompt 1:

The most common Rhetorical strategy I hear at work is amplification. I’m a maintenance manager and often times the production crew goes above and beyond to make sure they push something. I got a call last week to a piece of equipment that was “Broke”. When I arrived at the equipment I asked the operations manager what was wrong. He said it was broke, this thing is always broke and it breaks down more than any other piece of equipment. When I asked what was wrong with it he replied “IT IS BROKE.” By amplifying the word broke it made me realize the sense of urgency to get the equipment out of its “Broke” state. I think this can be good and bad communication. There are ways to convey your point without making someone feel they are inferior. By working together as a team to find a solution and understanding each others pain points a team can develope much more effectively. After I fixed the machine I developed a powerpoint presentation to show what our hurdles were to getting the machine back to perfect state. That type of communication worked great.

Prompt 2:

One of the biggest things i see of rhetorical fallacy in a workplace is many managers an CEO’s blaming associates for there work being messed up an why there business maybe going down here because they can not run a business properly. I see this a really big problem in today’s world, the reason why i think they do that is because they do not want to take the blame or the consequences for there own actions and why there business is drowning. So, one way to fix the issue is to first except the consequences of there own actions and try to build a better team where everyone can work as one instead of against each other because when everyone works together a business will grow a lot stronger an everyone will work as one instead of individuals. Every CEO and management should always blame for there own mistakes as well as coach each other when they do have a mistake so each person can a lot better next time, an if they don’t then write them up.