Topics in Addiction Research


Choose one of the case studies provided, and read it carefully before you begin writing. This assignment is not just writing a research paper. Using the provided template and information gleaned from reading the chosen case study, you will thoroughly assess the subject’s clinical needs.

The assessment must address the spiritual, genetic, and psychosocial aspects of the individual’s behavior; ascertain if he or she is in use, abuse, or addictive cycle; and determine whether there are any co-occurring diagnoses. Think through your readings from the textbook, the definitions of use/abuse/addiction, and treatment needs associated with the level of use. Read the case study several times, paying close attention to the information that has clinical significance (e.g., what substance he/she is using, how often, how long he/she has used, longest periods of time without use, consequences of use, etc.). Also pay close attention to any family history provided and what is reported about the family. Are there genetic indications and environmental influences? How might the client’s spiritual condition affect recovery? Finally, you will be expected to make a referral or recommendations for treatmen based on your determination of the subject’s current needs.

Refer to the chapters on treatment in the May and Doweiko textbooks, focusing on what you know about the client’s current use and the treatment indications of his/her use. Incorporate the Reading & Study materials from the course into this assessment paper, using strong literature support for your assessment of the client’s current issues and your referral suggestions. Strong literature support means using the course textbooks and presentations as well as any outside academic sources needed. You must have a well-established argument for treatment; this is where you need to draw from sources to explain why you are making your recommendations.

The body assessment paper must be 6–8 full pages (in addition to the title page and the reference page). Your paper must be written in current APA format (font, margins, citations, references, etc.) and have a title page and a reference page. (An abstract is not required for this assignment.)