Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Report

This is a continuation of a previous assignment, that is attached with the initial instructions.


Develop a balanced scorecard and create a total cost of ownership (TCO) model for the five commodities/materials you need to purchase for your new business. Feel free to make assumptions about the actual performance of each of the suppliers in terms of delivery, price changes, quality issues, etc. For example, you could indicate that your corn leaf supplier delivered on time or slightly early for the first sixth months but has been habitually late for the last six months. Make sure to clearly identify the assumptions you use. Also, rely on the assigned resources as much as possible but you can add other resources that you find helpful. Feel free to include diagrams to illustrate your scorecard or model. These diagrams do not count toward to your page length requirement. Your paper should be two to three pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins.