Trade between UAE and Canada in 2020

You have been hired as a senior trade advisor for the Government of UAE .

The Head of the Government of UAE wants to improve the trade relationship with Canada for a number of reasons.

You are asked to provide a strategy paper of approximately 1000 words that provides recommendations for how trade can be increased between Canada and your country by 2030.

In your strategy paper you may wish to discuss some of the questions below (you must cover at least three of these bullets):
· What are the absolute and comparative advantages of Canada and your country and each country’s strengths in factors of production, what sectors or products should our trade strategy emphasize and why?

· Are there sectors or clusters in each country that you can take advantage of?

· What trade blocs or agreements does your country or Canada participate in that can help you build trade between the two countries?

Does you country have a trade agreement with Canada?

If so, how does that trade agreement help you?

If not, what should be considered in a future trade agreement?

· What tariff and non-tariff barriers exist in either country?

How will you overcome them?

· Are there environmental or labour issues that should be considered or addressed to help with trade?

· Are there cultural relationships or immigration policies in the two countries that will help or hinder growing trade?

Finally, your conclusion must identify the top action priorities for your government.

Write the paper in essay format (use APA conventions) assuming the reader is the Head of Government and his/her staff.

Include 3-5 references and support your recommendations with evidence.