Training & strategic contemporary HRM

Training provides vital roles and values in strategic contemporary HRM. These roles include, but are not limited to, developing employees to perform their existing job more efficiently, effectively, and responsively (2018, p. 329). Training provides understanding for current responsibilities and it focuses on skill building. Job training, “includes understanding concepts and theories and increases self-awareness of ones own personal attributes perceptions and attitudes and ways of thinking” (2018, p. 329). Diversity training is one of the biggest development challenges for public employers in accommodating administrative processes and human relations to differences in culture and ethnicity (2018, p. 332). Immigrants are becoming more prominent in the workforce and adjustments need to be made in order to maintain productivity, and a healthy work environment for all employees. For these adjustments to be made, employers need to be trained on how to approach diversity in the workforce in order to train employees in the workplace.

To determine the value of training, it is important to evaluate the training program to ensure it meets the necessary requirements in order to be effective. Effective program training requirements include attaining skilled instructors to engage the group to participate and communicate the information effectively. Training programs also need clearly identified goals that will improve effectiveness to meet the needs of the organization. On the Job Training (OJT) is extremely important in order to maintain productivity in a fast-past work environment. OJT is also effective in that it puts into practice right away what the individual has learned and there is immediate feedback (2018, p. 335).

These values and roles describe the importance of training and if we allow cuts in this department then we risk the downfalls that will follow without it. Our productivity can dramatically decrease because there is not an improvement of skills. Learning is continual process throughout one’s entire life and in order to maintain that effectiveness in the workforce employers and employees need to have that motivation to learn and improve. Training will encourage employees to want to become better at what they do.