Trends & Issues In Executive Management For Health Care Administrators

Week 6: Trends & Issues in Executive Management for Health care Administrators 


   New Opportunities in Behavioral Health


Perhaps the most under-covered aspect of health reform is its dramatic expansion of coverage for the treatment of psychiatric and substance abuse disorders. The Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion will finance care for millions of low-income Americans, now uninsured, who suffer from these conditions.


—Harold Pollack, “The ACA and Mental Health Coverage”


  1. How might the expansion of behavioral health services impact health care organizations? What challenges, if any, might health care executives face when integrating expanded behavioral health services in their health care organizations?


  1. As a current or future health care executive, initiatives aimed at expanding behavioral health services present a unique opportunity to extend needed services for your patient population, but they may also equate with increased costs in offering new services. Strategies aimed at balancing new offerings for behavioral health services merit further consideration in revamping health care organizations in accordance with ACA mandates.


This week, you explore opportunities for expanded behavioral health initiatives in health care organizations. You also apply a business plan to expand behavioral health services for a health care organization.


Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Evaluate opportunities for expanded behavioral health initiatives in health care organizations
  • Apply a business plan to model expanded behavioral health services in health care organizations.



Learning Resources

This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this week’s assigned Learning Resources. To access select media resources, please use the media player below.


Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.


Required Readings

Albright, B. (2014). The ACA and behavioral health: A look ahead. Behavioral Healthcare, 34(2), 36-40.


Beronio, K., Glied, S., & Frank, R. (2014). How the Affordable Care Act and mental health parity and Addiction Equity Act expand coverage of behavioral health care. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 41(4), 410-428.


Buck, J. A. (2011). The looming expansion and transformation of public substance abuse treatment under the affordable care act. Health Affairs, 30(8), 1402-10.


Coffey, M. J., & Coffey, C. E. (2016). There is no health(care) without mental health(care). In the Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development of the American Hospital Association (Ed.), Futurescan healthcare trends and implications: 2016–2021 (pp. 43–46). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.


Garfield, R.L., Lave, J.R., Donohue, J.M. (2010). Health reform and the scope of benefits for mental health and substance use disorder services. Psychiatric Services, 61(11), 1081-1086.


Ogundipe, B., Alam, F., Gazula, L, Olagbemiro, Y., Osiezagha, K., Bailey, R.K., & Richie, W.D. (2015). Remaking the American health care system: A positive reflection on the Affordable Care Act with emphasis on mental health care. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 26(1), 49-61.


Document: Mental Health/Substance Abuse Expansion Business Plan Template (PDF).


Transcript of this Mental health Substance Abuse Template



  1. Executive Summary:
  2. Market Analysis:

Discuss how economic principles relate to investment in the expansion of mental

health/substance abuse services including the following:

 Macro- and micro-economic implications of market competition

 The mental health/substance abuse services that are currently provided

within a 25-mile radius of your healthcare organization

 The specific implications of the expanded provisions of the Affordable Care

Act (ACA) for health care organizations and mental health and substance

abuse programs

III. Type of Service (Model) Provision and Rationale

There are a variety of models for providing services for mental health/substance abuse

services from community mental health centers to free-standing facilities. Based on your

market analysis, potential competition, and the ACA-expanded provisions for coverage

for mental health/substance abuse services, what type of service (model) do you

believe would be the best for your organization to provide? Include your rationale and

potential market competition.

  1. Ethical Issues

While ethical issues may not be part of every business plan, mental health and

substance abuse treatment necessitate special attention to ethical precautions. As a

health care executive considering expanding your mental health/substance abuse

services, you should be considering the ethical implications.

As you are expanding your services with the specific model you have chosen, are there

any ethical challenges that need to be considered? For example: Are you expanding

from adult to pediatric services? How might this present different ethical issues? Are

you expanding from inpatient to outpatient services? How might this present different

ethical issues? Are you treating ex-offenders? Are you using methadone?

  1. Financial Analysis:

Capital Requirements

To estimate the total funds required for your expansion prior to commencement of

operations, what are the specific issues (e.g., number of rooms, dining space,

recreation space, etc.) you must consider when expanding mental health/substance

abuse services? Detail the information pertinent to your services based on the model of

Professional Staff

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What types of professional services will be required in your model? Are there specific

numbers of professionals required per number of patients treated? What are the fee

structures/reimbursement schedules that are utilized by these professionals?

Non-Professional Staff

What other staff is required to operate your mental health/substance abuse model of

service? Are there specific numbers of staff required per number of patients treated?

  1. Certification

What type of certification is required for your service delivery model? Who do you apply

to obtain certification? What is the timeline for obtaining certification vice you intend to provide.




Assignment Part (APA format 7th Ed).


Expansion of Mental Health or Substance Abuse Services Business plan


Under the ACA, the expansion of behavioral health services is mandated for health care organizations. Whether your current health care organization already offers these types of behavioral services, or whether it will need to begin offering these types of behavioral health services, is subject to evaluation and goal setting by both the health care executive and the board of directors. As a current or future health care executive, you will likely engage in developing business plans for new initiatives and health care delivery service flows in your health care organization. With the recent move to address expanded behavioral health services in health care organizations, developing a business plan for expanded behavioral health services is both timely and appropriate.


  • For this Assignment, the class will be broken into groups of four to five students each. Each group will work on the expansion of either mental health or substance abuse services within a healthcare organization, as decided by the group.


  • Review the resources for this week and review the business plan template for this Assignment. Reflect on the major considerations your health care leadership group members will need to keep in mind when developing a business plan for the expansion of either mental health or substance abuse services in a healthcare organization.


The Assignment: (5 pages)


  1. The ACA has provided for increased coverage of mental health and substance abuse services. However, there remains a shortage of these services in healthcare organizations.
  2. Your role as a healthcare leadership group is to evaluate opportunities for either expanded behavioral health or substance abuse initiatives. Your group will develop a business plan to model the expansion of either mental health or substance abuse services, as decided by your group.
  3. Once the assignment is completed by the group, each group member must submit a copy of the completed group work individually to earn credit.

By Day 7

Submit a copy of the completed group assignment.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:


  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK6Assgn+last name+first initial. (extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 6 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 6 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK6Assgn+last name+first initial. (extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.


Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:


Week 6 Assignment Rubric


Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:


Submit your Week 6 Assignment draft and review the originality report.


Submit Your Assignment by Day 7

To submit your Assignment: Week 6 Assignment