Understanding Consumer Behaviour

You will write a report based on a chosen case study. You will be expected to expand on the
case study and use additional consumer behaviour literature, relevant theory and relevant data
to respond to the case study questions (that each carries equal weight). You will also be
expected to demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic while drawing and explaining your
conclusions in a clear and analytical way.
You will be assessed on the content and clarity of your written work, your ability to present a
logical argument and your adherence to academic conventions such as referencing and
citations. Arguments that show evidence of a critical approach, depth of analysis, originality, and
confident use of the module literature will receive higher marks.
The report should be typed with a font size of 12, 1.5 spacing. The structure should include an
introduction, main body answering the case study questions, and a conclusion. This report may
be supported by visual or magazine material, as appropriate. The cover page should contain the
module, module code, the case study topic and the candidate/student number.
There are 5 cases, you can choose one case study:
1. Alexa CB case study
2. LOREAL case study
3. Recycling case study
4. Social Media Humour case study
5. PG success at the bottom of the pyramid case study