Paper details:


Identify the issues involved in integrating the newsroom staff with the online staff. What recommendations would you give to the company to make this integration process more successful for all parties?


Question 1

Why did the newsroom staff not see the online format as an opportunity? Why was Curley unsuccessful in changing their minds?


Question 2 (Case)

Using the Forming, Norming …. model of team dynamics (, analyse the situation of the developing relationship between the online staff and the print newsroom by the end of the case. Consider the steps still required to integrate the traditional newspaper and the online newspaper into an effective, united unit. Evaluate their impact on the future of the newsroom staff.


Plagiarism can lead to an assignment failing. Please bear in mind that all the assignments are done in groups and that the grade is a team grade. No distinction is made between the individual effort of each group member in the final result (except in the peer grading). All members of the group get the same grade. That means that if one person from the group plagiarises, all group members are failed. If you do not fully understand what constitutes plagiarism, please ask, as it is not worth taking a risk on this issue and endangering the grade of the whole group. This is particularly relevant if there are people in your group who think that by citing the source they can copy and paste what they want – this is NOT the case.