Paper details:


Please discuss in detail the fight against violence and terror on the Southwest Border of the United States. In doing so, also list and discuss the three points keyed in on by Kingpins and corruption (2017).Drug Policies. In doing so, discuss Operation Intercept, and Operation Condor.


Subject: Business

Topic: Oil Prices and the Macroeconomy

Paper details:


Answer both questions.



  1. I) Discuss some key drivers of the oil price changes in the past. WilI the effects of an oil price change depend on the source of shock hitting oil prices? How do you think the recent oil price decrease (2014-2016) affected the global economy?


2) In your min d, what are the prospects for the oil industry and for resource rich economies going forward? (NB. Use Norway as an example).


The report should not exceed 5 pages, including charts and exhibits.


Present a detailed business model of a hypothetical or existing firm.

Please use the appropriate literature in structuring your presentation of the business model and clearly address value creation and value appropriation by exploring the mechanisms for value creation and value appropriation (that is: “why doing “x” will lead to value creation/appropriation”).

Please depict the firm’s current business model. If it is an existing firm, please depict a new (modified) business model (substantial innovation).

Provide an in depth coverage of at least 5 topics (finance, marketing etc., not business models) from other courses taken during your EMBA studies. You will need to clearly present the models/theories used and apply these models/theories to the problem at hand.



All information will be treated as confidential.


Length: max. 10 pages, not including references and appendices.


Submission deadline 1.08.2018 at 12:00.Due date for paper is August st and the paper should be max 10 pages (standard BI exam format).