What is the future of military robots?

The point of this paper is to craft a response, however preliminary, to a real question about some
aspect of information technology.
A “real” question is one that has no single, straightforward answer, and that will require you, in
addressing the question, to draw upon and synthesize information from a variety of sources.
Questions that lend themselves to simple explanatory or “how-to” answers (for example, “What is
Twitter?” or “How can people protect their computers from hackers?”) will not work for this
Keep in mind that the focus is inquiry, not argumentation. The primary goal is to explore your
research question with depth and sophistication rather than to persuade an audience of a
particular viewpoint. While you will need to propose some sort of answer to your question in the
final version of your project, that answer may be tentative. Again, in writing this paper, focus on exploring, interpreting, and synthesizing ideas rather than on “defending” a thesis.
900-1200 words (not including citation page)
Please use APA citation style.
Address your paper to a general audience.
The research should emphasize at least 4 peer-reviewed, scholarly journal articles. (Provided
below). Choose your favorite 6 from the attachments.
What is the future of military robots?