While watching the film Pariah, take notes to be able to answer the questions below

While watching the film Pariah, take notes to be able to answer the questions below. These questions are also in relationship to the readings for this week, so be sure to keep that in mind. Only answer the questions which correspond with the film watched.

Guide Questions for Pariah

How does gender identity and the idea of gender variance operate within the film Pariah. What characters illustrate concepts from Miller’s chapter. List 2-3 examples and briefly discuss how.

How does the film Pariah illustrate critiques of the It Gets Better Project? List 1-2 examples of critiques based on the readings, and how they are illustrated in the film. Also make sure you can identify which author stated the critique you are referencing.

How is the film relevant to contemporary issues impacting youth and our society in general? List 1-2 examples and briefly discuss how.

How does the film Pariah demonstrate the core course concept of intersectionality?

What do you know differently about youth, that you didn’t before watching Pariah?

How has the movie challenged you to think differently? Give an example.