Wonderful Company, LLC

Wonderful Company, LLC

Your project should elucidate the corporate strategy of that selected conglomerate and also
make recommendations as to how they might restructure the organization (ie. create a new
corporate strategy) to take advantage of better financial or strategic fit- or greater synergies.
Explore a variety of the elements of corporate strategy covered in this course (such as mergers,
acquisitions, alliances, etc.). You are also required to research back 15-20 years in the history of
this conglomerate company and talk about how the corporate strategy has changed/evolved.
This project requires independent research on your part.
Your final project for this course consists of a written paper as well as a presentation of your
project using Collaborate Ultra. Your final project will encompass all the material that has been
learned, studied, and researched throughout the eight weeks.

For your final project you will select an existing conglomerate corporation (different than the one
you use for the Week 6 Assignment). Your project should elucidate the corporate strategy of that
selected conglomerate and also make recommendations as to how they might restructure the
organization (ie. create a new corporate strategy) to take advantage of better financial or
strategic fit- or greater synergies. Explore a variety of the elements of corporate strategy covered
in this course (such as mergers, acquisitions, alliances, etc.). You are also required to research
back 15-20 years in the history of this conglomerate company and talk about how the corporate
strategy has changed/evolved. This project requires independent research on your part.
Your final written report should follow APA format and be at least 12 pages in length, not
including title or reference pages. A minimum of six scholarly resources (not including textbook)
must be utilized to support your ideas.
Your presentation should consist of 12-15 slides, not including title or reference slides, and be at
least 5 minutes in length. Use proper APA format for citations. Your presentation should
summarize all components of your final project. Slides should be concise and uncluttered. Use
various graphic and visual enhancements when appropriate. Be sure to provide citations for any
references or images used. Use APA format for any citations.