Writing a Grant Proposal. Homeland Security Grant Program

Grant Proposa Writing. Homeland Security Grant Program Proposal

Fill out a NPSG on the Homeland Security Grant Program. One of the questions asks if the
organization or a member of the organization was a victim of a hate crime.
Additional Deatils
You must do research for the reason you are requesting the grant. So look at news articles and
find out what the threats are. Summarize each incident and cite your source.
In addition to the already pre-formatted grant application, I expect everyone to have a cover letter
that explains why the grant money is necessary. Again, do some research and use some good
government documents to explain the threats. Then you can go into specific incidents that happened there. Go over the specific items requested.
Another item that should be included is pictures of your target. If it is a church, google it. I want
pictures of each side and a picture from the top. I want to see those vulnerabilities. Is there
lighting? Are there cement blocks to prevent car rammings? These are the things you need to
think about. You need to see it to know what they are. You can make up some stuff, because you
just wont know. But for the most part, you will see so much from looking at it on the map.
write a grant proposal convincing a grant review panel of 1 professor from each of the colleges
on campus that you should receive the requested funds. The proposal should be 5-7 pages in
length including a 1-page references cited page, and a cover page, 1.5 spaced, with 1 inch
margins, and a maximum of 12 point font.

Be sure to address the following points:
Instructions for preparing your proposal:
• Cover Page: include your name, project title, project duration, & amount requested.
• Introduction: provide a statement of the objectives of the proposed work and the anticipated
significance of the work in lay terms. It should describe the problem to be investigated, the
hypothesis to be tested, or the creative endeavor to be undertaken.
• Statement of Purpose: a clear, concise 100- to 200-word description of the proposed project
that is understandable to the general reader. It should include a statement of objectives, methods
to be employed, and the significance of the work.
 Background and Rationale: provide a brief review of the work that has been done in the area of
the project together. Any previous research completed to date and/or experience you have of
relevance to the project.
• Methods: give a detailed description of the research methods or creative techniques to be used, and include a justification for this specific approach: How do these methods answer the
questions that have been posed, test the hypothesis, or lead to the desired goal?
• Schedule: include specific dates for the initiation and completion of each phase of the project.
• Conclusions: show how your work leads the conclusion and/or the solution presented. Evidence
should be given in a descending order of importance, beginning with the most important
• Budget and Justification: list all materials, laboratory supplies, equipment, travel expenses, and
the like that will be required to complete the project, with the estimated cost of each item. Provide
a short justification for each category requested.
 References Cited: provide a complete list of sources used for this proposal.