Writing Report And Fit A Markov Chain Model To Simulated Insurance Claims Data Using R Or Excel

Writing Report And Fit A Markov Chain Model To Simulated Insurance Claims Data Using R Or Excel

Investigate 3 themes and to write up your findings in the form of a report. You should aim for a length of 1,500 words, suitably illustrated with diagrams produced using a statistical package (R) or Excel.

The report should have an Introduction and a Conclusion; the main body of the report should be divided into sections as appropriate.

There should be 2 files:

1. The report as a Word document (aiming for 1500 words)

2. The code and/or Excel file you used to generate your results, which must be appropriately documented so that a reader can follow what you did and why you did it. If using R, this should be in the form of a file with a .r extension, not the output from an R-Studio session.

I have attached the assignment description for more details and the data.