You started your own business in 2004 with your own money. When you started with a capital of $250,000, your numbers were very encouraging.

You started your own business in 2004 with your own money. When you started with a capital of $250,000, your numbers were very encouraging. You had been experiencing a positive growth of 12% since you started. Sales were plummeting in the next two years. However, you got trapped like many others beginning 2007 and the financial crisis was taking a toll on your business. You posted a net loss of $118,000 by the end of 2009 leaving you with no option but to file for bankruptcy. You filed for a Chapter 11 reorganization plan. You now need to bring in capital to rescue your business and take it to the next level. **************You need to decide whether to use equity financing (issue stock) or debt financing (issue bonds). I want you to decide which way you are going to proceed and why and take me through the entire process from inception to fruition including all the regulatory issues. I want to know the name of your company, what you do, and what your long term financing plan is.

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